New Mexico Pi Sigma
Albuquerque, NM 87131
A petition for a chapter was submitted by the members of the class of 1948. It was approved by the chapters and National Council. New Mexico Pi Sigma Chapter was installed November 29,1948, by National Secretary-Treasurer D. S. Clark.
Each year the Pi Sigma Chapter recognizes two juniors for their outstanding achievements in their freshman and sophomore studies by engraving their names on a plaque displayed in the Mechanical Engineering Building and by presenting M.E. Handbooks to them. It cooperates with the Student Branch, A.S.M.E., and the College of Engineering in staging the Engineers Open House. A Pi Tau Sigma Library is maintained for the convenience of the engineering students.
2023-2024 Alex Atcitty, President
There were few activities this semester. Although leadership was active in trying to restart the chapter, there were only a total of 3 meetings and one activity. Our sole activity for our members was volunteering for the local New Mexico First Lego League robotics championship for kids ages 4-14 on February 10th, 2024. Originally, we had two people sign up for this, but one had to change plans at the last minute. The chapter president volunteered all day as a referee and scored a quarter of the games and helped clean up after.
Of the 3 other meetings held, 2 were orientation meetings for new members in the fall, and the third was a general meeting where brass keys were handed out. Those meetings were a lot of fun because they were very social, and we got to know each other better. At the 3rd meeting, we were able to provide pizza which was a good incentive for people to come.
2018-2019 Luis Hernandez & Erich Brown, President & Vice-President
New Mexico Pi Sigma collaborated with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) in a Friendsgiving event. The event aimed to bring together a group of societies to network and enjoy the initial academic year during the chaotic nature of the semester. The gathering brought a large group of Mechanical engineers together for sandwiches, potato chips, an assortment of pies, cake, and drinks. The event was extremely successful with a high turnout. It led to a formation of future events such as the Resume Building Night and a New Mexico Pi Sigma Skate Night.
To celebrate the end of the Fall 2018 semester, New Mexico Pi Sigma organized an ice-skating event for its members. The goal of the event was to get the chapter members out and to talk about their accomplishments over the last 4 months while having a little fun at the local ice-rink. This event had the largest turn out over the year and received a lot of positive feedback from the members. Future officers have been left lessons learned from the year and hosting more social events has been emphasized to boost chapter morale and event attendance.
One of the events that was really emphasized was UNM’s Spring Storm. This is an event put on by UNM to give back to the community by volunteering at local farms, food banks, and various other nonprofit organizations. New Mexico Pi Sigma had several members participate in this event, where we went to a local farm and helped spread mulch, clean animal pens, clean up weeds, and other various activities around the ranch. This event was awesome because it allowed us to give back to the community and connect with other organizations from campus. This event is hosted by UNM every year and should be a regular contribution from New Mexico Pi Sigma.