Each chapter needs to submit a full annual chapter report electronically, and a 500-word summary report that needs to be entered in each chapter’s page. Reports should be submitted after April 15 and before June 30.
Even though submitting both reports before the June 30th deadline is one of the requirements for a chapter to acquire the good standing status, please try to submit your reports, even after the deadline, for the sake of documenting what you have accomplished and the history of your chapter and Pi Tau Sigma, in general.
These two reports should not be the same. The annual report should include pictures from the initiations and activities during the year.
Please follow the report format described below when submitting your full report.
Activities can be documented with accompanying pictures, flyers, etc. The extent of Pi Tau Sigma’s contribution in organizing events/activities and level of participation needs to be documented. Please make sure to highlight all volunteer community activities and charity fundraisers.
All reports should electronically be submitted to National Secretary-Treasurer.
- Initiations In this segment indicate your initiation procedure including selection process, requirements from initiates, initiation ceremony and rituals, and celebration. You must include pictures of the newly inducted members for each initiation, including makeups, along with a picture of the chapter officers and advisor. You also need to document dates and numbers for all initiations held. No need to list names of initiates.
- Chapter Activities Include all chapter activities for the academic year. This will involve fundraisers, community services, university projects, etc. Please give sufficient details if the project involved other societies and if so what was your level of participation. To support your statements you may include photos, local paper articles, etc. Discuss your chapter meetings, banquets, convention participation and anything else that your chapter is involved with.
- Other Include anything else here that does not fit the above two categories that will strengthen your report.
*Note: The below method of submitting your summary report is via our old website. The new method of submitting your report will be posted soon.
After April 15, all chapters please enter a 500-word summary of your activities during the calendar year into your chapter page. Please emphasize volunteer community activities, charity fundraisers, and chapter activities relating to service to the department and profession. The extent of each chapter’s contribution in organizing events/activities and level of participation should be documented. Above your new paragraph, please enter the period of the reported activities, i.e. 20xx-20xx, and the author’s name and their chapter position in a single line in bold face. Please make sure to upload a picture from each initiation held during the academic year in the bottom of your report along with a legend. You are encouraged to add the names of the people in the pictures you append (first names ore okay too). Please make sure that your summary does not exceed the 500-word limit. Please follow the instructions below:
You will need to copy and paste this summary into your chapter page on the website. To login to your page, please type and then enter your credentials to login. After logging in, click on the Chapters Tab, then navigate to your Chapter’s page, click on it, and then click Edit to access your page. Please enter the 500-word summary, in the Body section, immediately below the ANNUAL SUMMARY REPORT line and above the previous years’ reports. You may copy what you wrote on the word file and paste it directly (control+V). Do not use bold face for your summary. Above your new paragraph, please enter the period of the reported activities, i.e. 20xx-20xx, and the author’s name and their chapter position in a single line in bold face. Do not delete anything and do not upload any PDF files to your page. If you make a mistake just get out from editing, using the back key without saving your changes and then start over again. Make sure you save your entry by clicking on the Save tab at the bottom of the page. You will need to type to end your session and log out. Please see your advisor if you do not know your login userid and password. After receiving the login credentials enter them on the first page of your roll-book for future reference.
After you upload your 500-word summary, please email the summary report as a PDF attachment to the Secretary-Treasurer, with the file name specified as
For chapters in good standing, these entries will serve as summaries to be judged for the Outstanding Chapter Award. That is why all summaries should not exceed the 500-word limit.
The top five vote-getters will be recognized in the coming convention and will be granted a plaque as well as monetary awards.