Syracuse Pi Nu

Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244

Charter Date   April 30, 1948

Chapter No.   38

Advisor   Dr. Teng Zhang

Chapter Status

Annual Chapter Reports

Syracuse Pi Nu

With the rapid expansion of the L. C. Smith College of Applied Science (now L. C. Smith College of Engineering) at Syracuse University, a group of mechanical engineering seniors, early in 1948 under the guidance of Professor Seymour Comassar, petitioned the National Council of Pi Tau Sigma. Approval was granted and the Syracuse Pi Nu Chapter was formally installed on April 30, 1948, by National President B. H. Jennings.

Syracuse Pi Nu Chapter immediately became an integral part of the activities of the College of Engineering and the University, promoting cooperation with the Student Branch, A.S.M.E., and other engineering organizations.



2023-2024 Elizabeth Kopacz, President

To start, the chapter participated in this year’s convention at Michigan University, sending both the President and Vice President. This was a very successful trip, being able to network and connect with other chapters, as well as hear industry speakers. Secondly, the Pi Nu Chapter went through a complete rebranding process including the election of all new officers in Spring 2024. The position of PR Chair/Outreach Coordinator was added to the chapter’s officer positions. Since, a new instagram account was created to share information on our chapter and to give updates to current members. Additionally, the chapter now has a group on the messaging app GroupMe that all current members have joined in order to give out updates efficiently. 

The chapter is planning next year to collaborate with other student organizations such as the  American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Tau Beta Pi in providing exam review  sessions for select courses. The chapter is also looking to plan gaming events for the students to connect with MAE faculty members in order to break the barrier between professor and student. This is in hopes that students will get to know professors better and be more inclined to ask for help or advice on their upcoming careers. The PR Chair/Outreach Coordinator has also reached out to several industry leaders in order to plan a couple presentations for current members, as well as offering talks to the entire engineering student body.The chapter President acknowledges that not much activity has occurred during the school year of 2023-2024. However, the chapter’s officers were quite busy this last semester setting up new social media, persuading students to join, and electing outstanding MAE faculty members. When the current executive board stepped in, there was little to nothing left, and had to build the chapter from the ground up. The President is proud of the work the officers have put in so far, and while it may not seem like much, current members are excited to attend future events and help fundraise for the chapter. Additionally, the President is optimistic that, with the brand new executive board, the chapter will be able to expand and provide greater services to students and the community. The current President (elected this past semester) has continued to keep the conversation going on upcoming events for the upcoming year. 

The main success of the Pi Nu Chapter for the Spring 2024 semester was doubling our membership in size. Our first successful initiation for Fall 2023  was held on December 10th, 2023 and the Spring 2024 initiation was held on April 24th, 2024. All initiates had a grade point average above 3.700 and were deemed a student of exemplary and outstanding character by the chapter’s executive board. Interviews were held to discuss the inductees’ community service records. Lastly, pictures of the inductees and members of PTS were taken. Total of eight members were induced in the Fall and eleven in the fall. The Pi Nu Chapter currently has an enrollment of twenty members.

2024 Spring Induction



2022-2023 Michael Wong, President

This academic year, the chapter did not hold events as the chapter has not been active since the 2019-2020 session. However, this spring 2023 saw the revitalization of the chapter. To start, the chapter participated in this year’s convention at Auburn University, with the last convention participation unknown. Reorganization efforts were implemented to bring back student engagement. An e-board was created. A line of communication was established between officers and members via Group Messaging App to foster collaboration and point of contact.

The Chapter held this year’s initiation ceremony on May 2, 2023, during the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Award Ceremony. 

The chapter is planning next year to collaborate with other student organization such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Tau Beta Pi in providing exam review sessions for select courses. The chapter is looking to plan wellness events for the students throughout the academic year during midterms and finals. Further activities are to be determined.

From Left to right: Jeffrey, Honorata, Michael (President), Sam (Vice President)
From Left to right: Jeffrey, Honorata, Michael (President), Sam (Vice President)


2018-2019 Molly Donovan, President 

The Syracuse Pi Nu Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma conducted this year’s initiation ceremony on May 1, 2019 during the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Award Ceremony. All initiates must have a grade point average above 3.4 and be deemed a student of exemplary and outstanding character by the chapter advisors. During the initiation ceremony, the President announces each initiates name and leads the initiates in the rituals and oaths of Pi Tau Sigma. Each initiate is then given his/her certificate and signs the roll book.

The chapter is looking to involve in community service by pairing with Engineering Ambassadors to host an “Engineering Field Day” for local elementary school students at Syracuse University. These students will compete in friendly math and science-based competitions. Members of Pi Tau Sigma would act as coaches to teams of elementary school students. Each engineering problem given to the students would explain the application and come with questions about the project. These instructions and questions encourage reading and comprehension skills. One example of a challenge that could be tasked is building a chair out of only duct tape and newspaper. Another problem could be building the highest tower out of popsicle sticks. These challenges would help the students to think “outside the box” and establish a lasting love for STEM fields. Food and drinks would also be supplied. The field day would help give back to the Syracuse community while inspiring young children to strive for careers in STEM.

The chapter is currently working on beginning an annual bake sale fundraiser with Sigma Gamma Tau, the National Honor Society in Aerospace Engineering. The profits of the fundraiser would be split between the two organizations to donate to a charity of choice. Hosting a bake sale in the heavily trafficked lobby of the engineering building has been extremely successful for other fundraisers in the past. The Pi Nu Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma also hopes to sponsor stress relief activities within the engineering school. Activities could include petting therapy dogs, hosting a yoga class, or having a meditation session. The chapter is looking to host a STEM-themed movie night next semesterThese activities could allow students to perform better on tests and projects through relieving their stress and could also act as a healthy study break. The chapter will also start an “Engineering Mental Health Awareness Week.” The chapter will create informative flyers and posters, showing students where they can receive help and other methods of encouraging strong mental health. College is a time where many struggle with mental health, and engineering can be a stressful major. “Engineering Mental Health Awareness Week” would increase student understanding of mental health and incite students to ask for help. The Syracuse Pi Nu Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma is excited to begin working with other organizations to contribute to both the Syracuse and engineering communities. The chapter hopes to alleviate student stress to improve engineering performance and encourage mental health.