Chapter Info

Chapter info

All of your annual reports that you have submitted since 2009 have been uploaded to your chapter page, in a PDF portfolio. Please note that you cannot open PDF portfolios in your browser. To access them, you will first have to right-click and choose Save link as… and save them on your computer. After saving them on your computer, you may then open them with Adobe.

All of your previous registration forms, since the formation of your chapter, have also been uploaded and reside as files on each chapter’s page. To be able to see the files you will first need to login to your chapter. The files are saved as PDF portfolios arranged in decades for easy searching, and to access them you will once again will need to save them in your computer as described in the above paragraph before opening them. 

To login to your page, please type and then enter your credentials to login.  After logging in, click on the Chapters Tab, then navigate to your Chapter's page, click on it, and then click Edit to  access your page. Each chapter's login credentials were provided to the chapter advisor and chapter president during the 2017-2018 academic year and should be passed on to the incoming president each year. Please do not change the passwords, and make sure if you copy and paste the password that you don't include any blank spaces before and/or after the password characters.